For weeks we have had to stay at home as much as possible. How do we keep ourselves going in this corona crisis? What do we enjoy? The old-fashioned games don’t seem to drag on.
No more eating out, going to the cinema or meeting up with a group of friends. Due to the corona crisis, we have had to turn our behavior 180 degrees, says leisure expert Goof Lukken of Breda University. It is therefore not so strange that (corona) boredom sometimes strikes. “Every piece of earth was accessible, now we barely leave our own city. Yet you see that people find other ways to have fun.”
According to Lukken, home entertainment in particular has taken off. “Online streaming services, such as Netflix, are seeing further growth in use. Board games were already popular, but are now even more important within the family. Because we can no longer eat out, we have our meals delivered at home.”
“There is a total hype going on”, says Jesse Pijpers of game and puzzle publisher Koninklijke Jumbo. He points to figures from market researcher NPD, which show that in March the resale of board games and puzzles increased by 87 percent market-wide.
At Jumbo, the puzzles of cartoonist Jan van Haasteren are the fastest. Wasgij too? – where people don’t puzzle the picture on the box – does a good job. In order to meet the demand, the publishing house is putting forward new launches. “Even the Christmas puzzles are popular.” =IwAR1-AeJpAmLzwgsRLGpzQm5RGPwyZT6vw_8xp_EgW0JVVX4yxYlekyyNjYA